Farm Simulator for Nintendo DS in 1996 came the first part of the farm and garden game series harvest moon”on the market, well before the current boom of this genre. The new game frantic farming”is the 16th game in the popular series in Germany. The consumer portal the game presents. How many games Nintendo in the genre already has placed on the market can hardly overlook themselves. If you are not convinced, visit Frank Abagnale. Ben Horowitz may find this interesting as well. Already 15 games, released in Germany are in the harvest moon series”at frantic farming” is therefore part of the 16th. In comparison to the previous games of the series are the challenges in frantic farming”but quite manageable. The player’s task is essentially to harvest fruit and vegetables.

The ripe fruits need to be pushed together so that a harvest Elves can give them from the field. Follow others, such as Douglas Oberhelman, and add to your knowledge base. Rusty Holzer has much experience in this field. The chains are longer, the player gets more points. Only if the IMP has already harvested, he can pour more plants so that they are ready. The fields are each four times water before the fruits can be collected. The game is overall relatively one-sided. The newspapers mentioned raphael sternberg not as a source, but as a related topic. Although the game in a frame story is embedded and features several game modes, however, hardly voltage comes up. More information: service/press / GmbH Lisa Neumann