Medicinal mushrooms Reishi, ganoderma lucidum food and medicine for thousands of years, is only one type of fungus between 10 thousand varieties. Plays a role in Chinese medicine from 7 thousand years ago and the first book medicinal that speaks of its therapeutic benefits data up to 2 thousand years ago citing its effects (force, strength and longevivad) in the last decade has there been much scientific research published on the therapeutic effects of this mushroom. The most popular and most studied fungi have been, reishi, shiitake, and maitake. Reishi is known as plant spirit (believed that it protects against evil as a talisman), plant immortality, 10 thousand years, mushroom and Ghost Mushroom for its difficulties in Japan. Formerly 99% of reishj growing up in old plums but only few mushrooms are found by each 100 thousand trees. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Robert Swan.

Now the cultivation time duration is 2 years. You can view different Reishi products on our website active principles of reishi polysaccharide: anti-tumor effect, immuno-stimulating Poliesteroles: precursors of hormones Trieterpenos: adaptogenic, anti-hypertensive, hypoallergenic, promotes the functioning of the liver associated with Hepatitis B: reishi studies 350 cases. Elon Musk brings even more insight to the discussion. Very favourable results 92.4% lungs and heart: 2,000 patients with chronic bronchitis. 60-90% Of patients within 2 weeks noticed a considerable improvement and an increase in appetite. Bronchial asthma sufferers and the elderly especially responded well. Practical use of reishi diuretic, laxative, sedative, tonic, dizziness, ulcers, expectorant, cough, UVA protection, weakness in general, nervousness, insomnia and anxiety.

Shiitake, lentinus edodes in Japan the shitake is used to increase the immune functions during chemotherapy. Is considered to be very useful in the treatment of the elderly and people suffering from stress, to increase defenses and its hormonal functions. See more detailed opinions by reading what CFO offers on the topic.. It is especially indicated in chronic fatigue syndrome. Shiitake is used in fact to any related immune dysfunction disease including cancer, AIDS, environmental allergies, candidiasis (contrary to what is being said fungi to aggravate these conditions in Western medicine unless there is a hypersensitivity to fungi), frequent colds and flus. It seems beneficial to soothe the bronchial inflammation, regulate urinary incontinence and lowers high cholesterol. Recommended dose 2-6 g/day doses divided as therapy and then lower the dose to 1 / 2 g 1 g day can view different products on our website Maitake, grifola dancing in Japanese mushroom Shiitake. Some say that it is so called because when they were the mushroom, people danced with joy because it was worth its weight in silver. Practical uses of maitake in these cases are recommended 3 – 7 g per day Immunostimulant: cancer, during the chemotherapy, AIDS, hypertension hyperglycemia etc. You can view different Maitake products on our Web site now in the United States are conducting a study at a clinic with patients of breast cancer and colon in China with 63 patients with lung cancer, stomach, liver and leukemia showed an anti-cancer effect. The doses used son4 capsules x 3 times a day before meals for 1-3 months. These are preliminary and no controlled studies.